What is it? SIG Open is a SIG that is focused on Open Source programming.
Weekday: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Location: Mac Lab SELE 2254
Leader: Tim Choh
Contact: [tchoh2@uic.edu with subject title of SIG Open] or join the ACM mailing list to get upcoming announcements and details. acm.cs.uic.edu/mailsignup
Engr 100: If you plan to come for the engr 100 form, please come before half way through the meeting or I'm not going to sign it.
If you cannot make it, I will put up the slides or notes for that day on a GitHub Repo for this group.ew
Get Involved:
- join our slack team at sigopen.slack.com
- check out the org's repo: https://github.com/SIG-Open
send an email to tchoh2@uic.edu with your github account so I can add you as a contributor
Goals: Share the knowledge of open source with fellow students. Also to give students another resource to use, GitHub, for open source projects and even classes!
Objectives: Start with some GitHub usage and get people familiar with how to use GitHub for looking for projects and or resources. Help with open source projects on GitHub as well as start our own open source project.
Plan: Start off with a focus on GitHub and getting people setup and familiar with software that we would be using in the SIG. Find a couple of open source projects that are already on GitHub that we could go over and maybe contribute to. Start our own open source project or make some major contributions to already existant open source projects.
- Leader - Tim Choh
Meeting Log
We went over some basic about Open Source. Searched through GitHub to find some fun projects to do as a group.
Went through an intermediate-level overview of GitHub and common commands that should be known and used. Also talked about joining the sigopen.slack.com for any communications that will be needed for help or just general communication.
With the people that were there, we decided to work on a website. Languages have not been decided yet, but the idea is as follows: As many of us are university employees, we all go through with filling out time sheets every other week and it gets tedious; sometimes we also forget to turn it in. This would help automate the process: filling it out online, emailing or faxing, an d other things... if you want to join, email me at tchoh2@uic.edu with your github username and I will add you.
if you have other ideas that you would like to do, please do bring the idea with you and we could talk about working on the project.
- Signup service for ACM
- VR Snake
- UIC timesheet webapp
If you would like to join a group, let me know. I can help you find a group or if you want to do a new project, come with ideas
As the groups get further and further involved in their projects, I am giving you resources to help manage the projects: github.com/SIG-Open -- GitHub page (let me know if you need access)
draw.io -- UML design
HEADS UP: I will be making the groups present around week 12-14, so please document well so that someone new who joins in knows whats going on.
Continuing to work on open source projects.
For all of the new students that come, I am going to have contribute to an open source project that is already on GitHub. I want to focus on students getting out there and helping projects that are already open source.